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Сandidate Interchampion / Кандидат в Интерчемпионы (3 CACIB)
GrandChampion of Russia / Грандчемпион России
Champion of Russia / Чемпион России
GrandChampion of Ukraine / Грандчемпион Украины
Champion of Ukraine / Чемпион Украины
Champion of Slovenia / Чемпион Словении
Champion of National Club / Чемпион Национального Клуба Породы
Champion of RKF / Чемпион РКФ
Junior Champion of Russia / Юный Чемпион России
Junior Champion of National Club / Юный Чемпион НКП
International working cerificate (duck) / Международный Рабочий Сертификат
Destiny’s Tellmenothingidon’Tknow Nordic Junior Winner-2011 Multiple Junior WinnerHips A-A . Elbows 0-0 . Eyes clear 2/8 2011 Optigen Normal/Clear (by parentage) EIC Clear OptiGen A, EIC — clear
Tjotte’s Meant To Be Чемпион Швеции BIR, BEST IN SHOW:3 (BOB, BIS:3 Open) NORRBOTTENS VACKRASTE HUND 2009, BIR, BIG-R (Norrbottens most beautiful dog BOB, BIG-R) BTKL:2, BIR-Jakt BEST IN SHOW:2 Jakt (Second best bitch, BOB Gundog BIS:2 Gundog) BEST IN SHOW 2009 (BEST IN SHOW 2009) Norrbottens most beautiful labrador BEST IN SHOW Jakt (BEST IN SHOW Gundog 2008) BEST IN SHOW 3 2008(BIS 3 2008) Norrbottens most beautiful labrador BEST IN SHOW Unghund 2006 (BIS Youngster 2006) Norrbottens most beautiful retrieverTrackingChampion before 16 months WINNER Obediaceclass |
Destiny’s Tellmenothingidon’Tknow |
Ch Tjottes Lover Under Cover |
Lubberline Pumpernickle |
ClubHunt Clayview Brown Derby |
Lubberline Chocolate Factory |
Tjottes Broken Arrow |
Mallorns Mums Mums |
Annual’s The Gossip Girl |
Mallorns Romeo |
Visions I’m Able |
Rosanan La Rosa |
Cambremer Tom Cobbley Of Charway |
Frostfire Dawn Chorus At Abbeystead |
Ch Tjotte’s Meant To Be |
Ch Tjottes Now Or Never
Cassatas Alladin Aces |
Rocksteady By Night |
Banners Muskelunge Buckeye |
Mallorns Mums Mums |
Loresho Ozzie |
Bubbling Churchill |
Mallorns Jersey Sour |
Brandhams Show Stopper |
Oulsmi Endless Love |